船(Chuan) 岸(An) 连(Lian) 接(Jie) 电(Dian) 缆(Lan)
用(Yong) 途(Tu) Application |
适(Shi)用(Yong)于(Yu)船(Chuan)舶(Bo)停(Ting)港(Gang)口(Kou)时(Shi)接(Jie)入(Ru)岸(An)上(Shang)电(Dian)源(Yuan)并(Bing)向(Xiang)船(Chuan) It is applicable to the power connection line connected 舶(Bo)供(Gong)电(Dian)的(De)电(Dian)源(Yuan)连(Lian)接(Jie)线(Xian)。(?) to the shore power supply and supplying power to the ship 取(Qu)得(De)CCS工(Gong)厂(Chang)((?)型(Xing)式(Shi))(?)认(Ren)可(Ke)证(Zheng)书(Shu) when the ship stops at the port. |
标(Biao)准(Zhun) |
Standard |
IEC60092-350 |
IEC60092-350 |
IEC60092-353 |
IEC60092-353 |
IEC PAS 80005-3 |
IEC PAS 80005-3 |
T/CAS 429 |
T/CAS 429 |
型(Xing)号(Hao)Type |
名(Ming)称(Cheng)Description |
乙(Yi)丙(Bing)绝(Jue)缘(Yuan)氯(Lu)丁(Ding)橡(Xiang)胶(Jiao)护(Hu)套(Tao)船(Chuan)岸(An)连(Lian)接(Jie)电(Dian)缆(Lan),(?)DA/SA型(Xing) EPR insulated PCP sheathed Ship-to-Shore Connection Cable,Type DA/SA |
乙(Yi)丙(Bing)绝(Jue)缘(Yuan)纤(Xian)维(Wei)编(Bian)织(Zhi)加(Jia)强(Qiang)层(Ceng)氯(Lu)丁(Ding)橡(Xiang)胶(Jiao)护(Hu)套(Tao)船(Chuan)岸(An)连(Lian)接(Jie)电(Dian)缆(Lan),(?)DA/SA型(Xing) EPR insulated fiber braided reinforcement PCP sheathed Ship-to-Shore Connection Cable,Type DA/SA |
乙(Yi)丙(Bing)绝(Jue)缘(Yuan)聚(Ju)氨(An)脂(Zhi)护(Hu)套(Tao)船(Chuan)岸(An)连(Lian)接(Jie)电(Dian)缆(Lan),(?)DA/SA型(Xing) EPR insulated TPU sheathed Ship-to-Shore Connection Cable,Type DA/SA |
乙(Yi)丙(Bing)绝(Jue)缘(Yuan)纤(Xian)维(Wei)编(Bian)织(Zhi)加(Jia)强(Qiang)层(Ceng)聚(Ju)氨(An)脂(Zhi)护(Hu)套(Tao)船(Chuan)岸(An)连(Lian)接(Jie)电(Dian)缆(Lan),(?)DA/SA型(Xing) EPR insulated fiber braided reinforcement TPU sheathed Ship-to-Shore Connection Cable,Type DA/SA |

船(Chuan)岸(An)连(Lian)接(Jie)电(Dian)缆(Lan) 电(Dian)压(Ya)等(Deng)级(Ji):(?)0.6/1kV 90℃(?) |
芯(Xin)数(Shu)×(?)动(Dong)力(Li)线(Xian)芯(Xin) 标(Biao)称(Cheng)截(Jie)面(Mian) No.Of core×(?)nominal cross sectional area of power core (mm2) |
芯(Xin)数(Shu)×(?)地(Di)线(Xian)芯(Xin)标(Biao) 称(Cheng)截(Jie)面(Mian) No.Of core×(?)nominal cross sectional area of ground wire core(mm2) |
芯(Xin)数(Shu)×(?)监(Jian)视(Shi)线(Xian)芯(Xin) 标(Biao)称(Cheng)截(Jie)面(Mian) No.Of core×(?)nominal cross sectional area of monitoring core (mm2) |
cable overall diameter |
参(Can)考(Kao)重(Zhong)量(Liang) Reference weight |
U |
F |
U |
F |
1×(?)70 |
- |
- |
20.9 |
22.8 |
1066 |
1170 |
1×(?)95 |
- |
23.2 |
25.6 |
1406 |
1552 |
1×(?)120 |
- |
25.4 |
28.1 |
1712 |
1887 |
1×(?)150 |
- |
28.1 |
30.7 |
2090 |
2282 |
1×(?)185 |
- |
30.8 |
33.7 |
2523 |
2756 |
1×(?)240 |
- |
34.7 |
38.0 |
3309 |
3617 |
3×(?)25 |
1×(?)16 |
2×(?)2×(?)1.5 2×(?)2×(?)2.5 1×(?)2×(?)1.5 1×(?)2×(?)2.5 3~9×(?)1.5 3~9×(?)2.5 |
30.6 |
33.8 |
1853 |
2078 |
3×(?)35 |
1×(?)35 |
34.6 |
37.9 |
2563 |
2863 |
3×(?)50 |
1×(?)50 |
40.6 |
44.4 |
3643 |
4048 |
3×(?)70 |
1×(?)50 |
44.8 |
49.1 |
4462 |
4962 |
3×(?)95 |
1×(?)50 |
49.2 |
54.0 |
5663 |
6280 |
3×(?)120 |
1×(?)70 |
54.6 |
59.9 |
6994 |
7741 |
3×(?)150 |
1×(?)95 |
60.8 |
66.6 |
8714 |
9620 |
3×(?)185 |
1×(?)95 |
65.6 |
72.1 |
10235 |
11352 |
3×(?)240 |
1×(?)120 |
74.2 |
81.4 |
13382 |
14789 |
产(Chan)品(Pin)主(Zhu)要(Yao)性(Xing)能(Neng) |
Main performance |
具(Ju)有(You)耐(Nai)阻(Zu)燃(Ran)、(?)日(Ri)光(Guang)老(Lao)化(Hua)、(?)耐(Nai)磨(Mo)、(?)抗(Kang)撕(Si)、(?)耐(Nai)盐(Yan)雾(Wu)、(?)耐(Nai)循(Xun)环(Huan)弯(Wan)曲(Qu)((?)满(Man)足(Zu)IEC80005.1规(Gui)定(Ding)的(De)5000次(Ci)卷(Juan)绕(Rao)试(Shi)验(Yan))(?)及(Ji)优(You)良(Liang)的(De)电(Dian)性(Xing)能(Neng)((?)耐(Nai)压(Ya)测(Ce)试(Shi)3.5KV/5min)(?)。(?) |
flame resistance, sun aging, wear resistance, tear resistance, salt spray resistance, cyclic bending (meet IEC80005.1 provisions of 5000 winding test) and excellent electrical performance (pressure test 3.5kV /5min). |
产(Chan)品(Pin)使(Shi)用(Yong)特(Te)性(Xing) |
Product features |
额(E)定(Ding)电(Dian)压(Ya) U0/U 为(Wei)0.6/1KV ; 最(Zui)低(Di)工(Gong)作(Zuo)温(Wen)度(Du)((?)静(Jing)态(Tai))(?)为(Wei)-40℃(?);(?)导(Dao)体(Ti)允(Yun)许(Xu)长(Chang)期(Qi)最(Zui)高(Gao)工(Gong)作(Zuo)温(Wen)度(Du)为(Wei)90℃(?);(?)最(Zui)大(Da)短(Duan)路(Lu)时(Shi)间(Jian)为(Wei)5S时(Shi)导(Dao)体(Ti)最(Zui)高(Gao)工(Gong)作(Zuo)温(Wen)度(Du)不(Bu)超(Chao)过(Guo)250℃(?);(?)电(Dian)缆(Lan)最(Zui)小(Xiao)弯(Wan)曲(Qu)半(Ban)径(Jing)((?)静(Jing)态(Tai))(?)为(Wei)电(Dian)缆(Lan)外(Wai)径(Jing)D的(De)6倍(Bei)。(?)
Rated voltage U0/U is 0.6/1kV; The lowest operating temperature (static) is -40℃(?); The maximum allowable long-term operating temperature of the conductor is 90℃(?); When the maximum short-circuit time is 5S, the maximum operating temperature of the conductor shall not exceed 250℃(?); The minimum bending radius (static) of the cable is 6 times of the cable diameter D. |